Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moving Danielle - My Other Website About Bullying

Hi Everyone!

Today I'm going to stray from my normal posting of food, however, tomorrow's post will be back on track. 

Several years ago I wrote a children's book about bullying and self esteem.  The illustrations were done by Brianna and my sister Debbie who are really good artists.  Any way, I was prompted to write this book because I noticed that Brianna didn't seem too happy at school.  There was a classmate that was bad mouthing her to the other children.  The issue was eventually resolved, but it really effected Brianna to this day. 

I believe that compassion should be taught at an early age at home, not just by the school system.  Schools mean well by putting up posters that say, "This is a No Bully Zone", " Zero Tolerance for Bullying", but the fact remains that we are responsible for our children's actions.  When a child acts up, the first place that one often looks is to the parents.  With that said, I wrote Moving Danielle to capture the attention of 7-10 year old children.  My sister Bethe said that Moving Danielle is used at a clinic that she works at for adults to help them with their self esteem issues.  I was really surprised.  I am so tired of seeing kids getting beaten up or committing suicide because of bullies!  It is just sickening!  What can we do to stamp out bullying? 

Please check out my other website at  Please let me know what you think.  The book can be purchased for $15 which includes shipping.  Several school districts in my area use it and the kids really love it!


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