Monday, October 3, 2011

Potato Cheese Casserole

Hi Everyone!

Today's dish is Potato Cheese Casserole.  In this economy, one thing that we can count on to be cheap are potatoes.  Potato recipes are endless.  There are so many things that you can do to potatoes to jazz them up.  So, here is good side dish to have with your main entrees of beef, fish, chicken or seafood.

You will need the following:

* Potatoes (preferably Red Skin because they are so creamy)
* Monterey Jack Cheese
* Onions
* Butter
* Flour
* Water
* Milk or Light Cream
* Salt
* Pepper
* Parsley

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Wash and slice your potatoes into slices that aren't too thick. Put them aside in a bowl.

Chop up your onions and put them in a separate bowl.

Mix about 2-3 tablespoons of flour with water. Mix until smooth and creamy.

In skillet or pot, melt a couple of scoops of butter. Now add the onions and saute them on low heat. Once the butter and onions are simmering, add the flour and water. This is going to thicken your mixture. Whisk until all ingredients are combined.

Now add about a cup of milk and continue whisking until smooth. Keep the flame low so that it doesn't burn. Season with salt, pepper and any other favorite seasoning. Mix in a little parsley for presentation.

Pour this mixture into the bowl with the potatoes and mix until thoroughly combined.

Grease your favorite baking dish.

Pour a layer of the potatoes into the dish.  Now sprinkle a layer of the Monterey Jack Cheese.  Please feel free to use cheddar or your favorite cheese.

Bake the covered dish for approximately 50-60 minutes until golden, bubbly brown.

Serve and enjoy!


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