Saturday, September 24, 2011

Steak Diane

Hi Everyone!

Today's dish is Steak Diane.  Why serve plain steak when you can do something to jazz it up.  This meal did not take long to prepare at all.  You can even make this during the week.  Phillip gave it the thumbs up immediately.  So let's get started!

You will need the following:

* Steak Fillets (not to be confused with Mignon)
* Mushrooms
* Onions
* Butter
* Worcestershire Sauce
* Garlic
* Flour (optional)

Wash and season your steak.  Grill, broil or pan fry the steak fillet until cooked to your satisfaction.

In the meantime, add 2-3 generous scoops of butter to a skillet and melt.

Chop and add the mushrooms and onions to the skillet and saute'.

Add a shake or 2 of Worcestershire Sauce, garlic, salt and pepper.

Don't forget to flip your steak.

Now I added alittle flour and water since I like my sauces thicker.  You can leave it thin if you'd like.

Once the steak is done, place it on the plate and top with the sauce.

There you have it.

Bon Apetite'!


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